Architect Bryan Thomas' memories of Beth and Andrew
Last week, Julia met up with Bryan Thomas, the local architect who was commissioned to design Beth and Andrews house in 1959. Bryan and Julia shared memories of Beth and Andrew and the home they shared.
Bryan remembers Beth having a clear vision for the home which remained relatively unchanged for the 58 years that Beth lived there. Julia recalled Beth refusing to have a stairlift installed as she wanted to stay true to the original vision.
Bryan, an Essex based architect, designed the 1960’s, split-level home to take advantage of the natural slope of the site with large windows allowing views to what would become the water garden.
Andrew requested a separate space where he could write and somewhere he could smoke without Beth complaining! Bryan designed a private office space for Andrew that was accessed via cantilevered steps on the outside wall near the front door. This space was referred to as the 'Ivory Tower'.
Bryan clearly remembers a gingko tree being transported from Beth and Andrews previous home in Braiswick to its new site in the back of a Morris Minor! The Gingko tree is still in the garden loacted near to the house.
Bryan has kindly offered to give a talk to family, friends and members of staff which we hope to film and eventually share.
To learn more and to see more images of the house, follow this link to Bryan's website.