Scented form. Foliage not so deeply coloured in winter as the other tellima, but the flowers smell surprisingly and deliciously of old-fashioned pinks, A sizeable patch will scent the air for yards around.
Scented form. Foliage not so deeply coloured in winter as the other tellima, but the flowers smell surprisingly and deliciously of old-fashioned pinks, A sizeable patch will scent the air for yards around.
Aspect | Sun or part shade |
Flower Colour | Cream |
Flowering Period | May | Jun | Jul |
Foliage | Not evergreen |
Goes Well With | Brunnera, Dicentra, ferns |
Growth Habit | Clump-forming |
Hardiness | Fully hardy |
Height | 60cm |
Soil | Most types |
Spread | 30cm |