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Achillea 'Apfelblute'
Achillea 'Apfelblute'
Achillea 'Apfelblute'
Achillea 'Apfelblute'
Achillea 'Apfelblute'
Achillea 'Apfelblute'
Achillea 'Apfelblute'
Achillea 'Apfelblute'

Achillea 'Apfelblute'


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A reliable and long lived form, flowerheads opening bright pink, before fading to a charming pale pink, reminiscent of apple blossom. A good soil in full sun. Cut back after flowering for a second flush in autumn. Synonym Achillea 'Appleblossom'.

All species have numerous flowerheads, each with tiny flowers bearing nectar and pollen which are attractive to smaller pollinators, especially pollen-beetles and smaller hoverflies, irrespective of flower colour. Yarrows can attract aphids, which may be kept under control by ladybirds.

AspectFull sun
Flower ColourPink
Flowering PeriodJun | Jul | Aug
FoliageNot evergreen
Goes Well WithAnthemis, Geranium, Salvia
Growth HabitClump-forming
HardinessFully hardy
SoilLight, well-drained
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