Biennial or perennials, with large showy, with funnel-shaped to open flowers, on tall racemes. Leaves lobed or divided deeply. Found in Turkey and through to Asia. Some are excellent for the dry garden, A. rugosa, but also very suited to the cottage garden. Protect from strong winds if possible. Hollyhock rust is a fungal disease, more prevalent during a wet summer, which can make the plants unsightly and reduce vigour. If your plants have rust and it is affecting the plants badly, it would be best to remove those plants and try new ones elsewhere in the garden.
Hollyhock flowers produce abundant nectar and pollen. Bumblebees are especially attracted to the nectar, while the pollen is often eaten by beetles. The foliage is food for numerous moth larvae, and has been recorded as a food-plant for painted lady butterfly caterpillars. Many species of beetle, especially weevils, eat the leaves; while these may be considered 'pests' they do of course form the bedrock of foodchains and are therefore of immense value.