The genus of Androsace, in general are a hummock-forming perennials, or annuals, from northern temperate zone mountains. Most make rosettes, often with white, grey, or woolly foliage. Flowers, single or in umbels, very primula-like, with a central ring in a contrasting colour. In the UK, many species will suit a rock garden, raised bed, trough, pot culture, in full sun, but not scorching and in a sharply drained soil. Unusually, one of the species we grow A. geraniifolia prefers a more shady spot and a richer soil, than many of the other species.
As is typical with montane plants, rock-jasmines have larger flowers than one might expect for the size of the plant in order to attract pollinators in often cold and windy natural habitats. In a rock garden, they also perform a valuable function for pollinators such as bees and flies.