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Anemone - Border forms

By border forms, we are mainly referring to Japanese anemones and similar. Heights from 50cm to around 1.4m. Flowers white, through to deep pink, single and doubles, late summer into autumn. Generally a spreading habit. Providing good presence in a shadier border, contrasting with ferns, hostas and the like. Some of the cultivated forms, which are still as good as any newly bred cultivars, originate from the mid 19th century, see Anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert'.

The flowers produce nectar and pollen that attracts a wide range of insects from bumblebees and honeybees, to ladybirds and other beetles. The best forms for wildlife are those with the natural number of five petal-like sepals: additional sepals are generally mutated stamens or nectaries, such that the value to insects is reduced.

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