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Anemone pavonina
Anemone pavonina
Anemone pavonina
Anemone pavonina
Anemone pavonina
Anemone pavonina

Anemone pavonina

Peacock windflower

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Similar to A. x fulgens but has jewel-like flowers in many shades, deep rose, crimson red, cherry, and salmon pink often with navy-blue eyes, while others, creamy-white are stained coral on reverse. Given me by Cedric Morris. Grown from seed so any colour possible.

AspectFull sun
Flower ColourWhite | Pink | Red
Flowering PeriodMar | Apr
FoliageNot evergreen
Goes Well WithArmeria, Thymus, Veronica
Growth HabitClump-forming
HardinessFully hardy
SoilMost types
Ask Us a Question

Hi, I would love to grow anemone pavonina mix in my lawn like many people on instagram do. Would it be possible to buy seeds from you. I am located in the Netherlands and I cant find pavonina anywhere. With kind regards, Tim

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I am sorry but we do not currently sell seeds of this plant

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