All too often consigned to a shady corner, Bergenia will, in our experience, give of their best in an open sunny spot. Perhaps our generally poor dry soil suits them but if you choose those cultivars which colour well in the winter, they become an essential feature for the colder months. All come out of their winter hues as the weather warms and give a good display of flowers in late spring, usually April.
The flowers, produced in spring of all Bergenia species and hybrids, are a valuable early season nectar and pollen source for bees and hoverflies especially. The margins of the leaves are often nibbled by vine weevils although this will not harm the plants. B. crassifolia in particular is increasingly being found in the wild in warmer parts of southwestern Britain. Given its dense and long-lasting leaves it could in the future become a problem to native habitats and steps should therefore be taken to prevent its spread from gardens.