A lovely sight by the waters edge or in a sunny place in damp soil. This graceful sedge has bright golden, grass-like foliage with pointed clusters of brown flowers held stiffly upright in June.
Carex elata 'Aurea'
Bowles golden sedge
Aspect | Sun or part shade |
Flower Colour | Cream | Black |
Flowering Period | Apr | May | Jun |
Foliage | Evergreen |
Goes Well With | Alchemilla, Iris, Primulas |
Growth Habit | Clump-forming |
Hardiness | Fully hardy |
Height | 90cm |
Soil | Moisture-retentive |
Spread | 70cm |
Ask Us a Question

I am interested in the Carex elata 'Aurea' for a damp, sunny spot. Does this Carex self seed? I had a battle with a Carex Pendula for this reason but other Carex have been fine. Thank you.
It does set seed but most do not come to fruition and division is easier