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Chaerophyllum azoricum
Chaerophyllum azoricum
Chaerophyllum azoricum
Chaerophyllum azoricum
Chaerophyllum azoricum
Chaerophyllum azoricum
Chaerophyllum azoricum
Chaerophyllum azoricum

Chaerophyllum azoricum

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A new and rare plant with white, fragrant, cow-parsley like flower heads in early summer. Foliage, a little more robust than C. hirsutum, but the leaves have attractively serrated edges. From the Azores and Portugal.

AspectSun or part shade
Flower ColourWhite
Flowering PeriodMay | Jun
FoliageNot evergreen
Goes Well WithAstrantia, Geranium, Hemerocallis
Growth HabitClump-forming
HardinessFully hardy
SoilRich and fertile
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