The fleabanes are a large genus, over 400, half of which native to North America, but not grown as much as asters and relatives. However they provide aster-like flowers and colour, much earlier in the year (late spring) and later on if cut back hard. Good for cut flowers and an excellent nectar source for insects. Good gardenworthy species are E. karvinskianus and E. glaucus. Grow in a reasonable soil and with no overhead competition.
As with all 'daisy-like' flowers, the disc-flowers in the centre of the flowerhead produce nectar and pollen that are attractive to insects. The flowerheads of the many Erigeron species that have the 'daisy' form are particularly favoured by bees and hoverflies; those of the 'weedy' relatives, with with small flowerheads apparently lacking apparent are probably of lower importance. Some species eg E. glaucus are of additional value as effective ground-cover in a dry or coastal garden, retaining water and providing shelter for invertebrates.