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Geranium [Rozanne] ('Gerwat')
Geranium [Rozanne] ('Gerwat')
Geranium [Rozanne] ('Gerwat')
Geranium [Rozanne] ('Gerwat')
Geranium [Rozanne] ('Gerwat')
Geranium [Rozanne] ('Gerwat')
Geranium [Rozanne] ('Gerwat')
Geranium [Rozanne] ('Gerwat')

Geranium [Rozanne] ('Gerwat')


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This unlovely name 'Gerwat' is the registered cultivar name of a dazzling new hardy geranium. It is better known as Rozanne's cranesbill, so I prefer to write Geranium Rozanne, named after Rozanne Waterer, who, with her husband, spotted it in their garden. It is a hybrid of G. himalayense and G. wallichianum 'Buxton's Variety', producing large (5 cm across) intense violet-blue flowers lit with large white centres. In flower from late spring onwards, it takes a rest in late summer, but a trim then will check its sprawling habit and induce a fresh crop of blooms well into late autumn. Planted at the border edge, in sun or part shade, it stops every passer-by.

AspectSun or part shade
Flower ColourBlue | Purple
Flowering PeriodJun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct
FoliageNot evergreen
Goes Well WithGrasses, Hemerocallis, Salvia
Growth HabitClump-forming
HardinessFully hardy
SoilMost types
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Does this geranium keep coming back year after year?

Paul Ford
Answer from GB

Yes this geranium will keep coming back year after year

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WAYS TO PAY Geranium [Rozanne] ('Gerwat')