Given to us by the late Sir Cedric Morris at his garden Benton End, in Suffolk. This is a pale version of I. Kent Pride, with flowers of dusky gold and brownish- yellow in early summer. Previously sold by us as I. 'Benton Sheila'.
Given to us by the late Sir Cedric Morris at his garden Benton End, in Suffolk. This is a pale version of I. Kent Pride, with flowers of dusky gold and brownish- yellow in early summer. Previously sold by us as I. 'Benton Sheila'.
Aspect | Full sun |
Flower Colour | Cream | Yellow | Pink |
Flowering Period | May | Jun |
Foliage | Not evergreen |
Goes Well With | Nepeta, Salvia, Stipa |
Growth Habit | Clump-forming |
Hardiness | Fully hardy |
Height | 1m |
Soil | Light, well-drained |
Spread | 30cm |