We take great care to propagate plants following Beth's methods. These include growing from seed, cuttings, and division. Beth had very strict ways of doing things and our propagation team follow her instructions to the letter.


Imposing plants for a good and moisture-retentive soil. Herbaceous perennials, often with large leaves, attractively lobed, and sometimes coloured. Daisy-like flowers, orange to yellow, some in upright spikes, others in more flat-topped clusters. Some vigilance required to stop slugs and snails from damaging the emerging foliage.

As with all 'daisy-like' flowers, the disc-flowers in the centre of the flowerheads produce nectar and pollen that are attractive to insects. Whether the heads are in flat-topped clusters or spikes, they will cater for bees, hoverflies and butterflies in abundance.

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To Be Propagated