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Ligusticopsis wallichiana (our original form)
Ligusticopsis wallichiana (our original form)
Ligusticopsis wallichiana (our original form)
Ligusticopsis wallichiana (our original form)
Ligusticopsis wallichiana (our original form)
Ligusticopsis wallichiana (our original form)
Ligusticopsis wallichiana (our original form)
Ligusticopsis wallichiana (our original form)
Ligusticopsis wallichiana (our original form)
Ligusticopsis wallichiana (our original form)

Ligusticopsis wallichiana (our original form)

Wallich milk parsley

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Our original form of this particularly refined, tall cow parsley-like perennial with delicate, bright green finely cut filigree leaves. Umbels of tiny white flowers appear to float like dainty parasols on stems of a darker colour. An airy and beautiful umbellifer, described by E.A.Bowles as "the queen of the umbellifers" and "the most beautiful of all fern-leaved plants". A dark background helps highlight its undoubted qualities. This form does not set seed and is propagated by the few offsets which appear at the base of the old flowered stems. 

Synonym Selinum tenuifolium, Selinum wallichianum.

AspectFull sun
Flower ColourWhite
Flowering PeriodJun | Jul | Aug
FoliageNot evergreen
Goes Well WithGeranium, grasses, thalictrum
Growth HabitUpright
HardinessFully hardy
SoilMost types
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