We take great care to produce your peat free plants. Propagation and growing on is carried out by our team who will only part with plants once they are strong and well rooted.


Delicate clump-forming species, hailing from sunny, dry areas, but also woodlands, in temperate regions across the world. Showy creamy-white flowers, which can be on dainty stems, generally produced in spring. Californian species could be very useful in the dry garden. We grow a couple of different species, some in shady areas, others in full sun, wherever they are, they add a graceful air. 

As with all tussock- and patch-forming grasses, established plants provide a sheltered microhabitat for beneficial insects such as ladybirds, although being deciduous this doesn't persist into the winter months.

Ready now
Melica ciliata
Silky-spike melic
Growing on
Growing on