We take great care to propagate plants following Beth's methods. These include growing from seed, cuttings, and division. Beth had very strict ways of doing things and our propagation team follow her instructions to the letter.
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Quite possibly an under utilised genus in British gardens, with over 150 species spread across Europe, Asia & Africa, but only a few available for cultivation. Related to cow parsley, with often ferny-like foliage, above which hovers clusters of small white, pink flowers. Creates an airy effect, ideally in part shade, or will take more sun with a more moisture-retentive soil.

As with all umbellifers, the heads of numerous small flowers provide a huge resource of nectar and pollen for a wide range of insects from tiny pollen-beetles to large hoverflies. Plants are also  eaten by the larvae of a rare micromoth Depressaria pimpinellae in parts of south-central England.

To Be Propagated
Pimpinella major 'Rosea'
Pink cow parsley, greater burnet-saxifrage
To Be Propagated