A wide ranging genus, with over 450 species, known best for its alpine contingent. Some of our plants are suitable for shade, preferably for the borders edge. These can have quite coloured or patterned foliage, with some being evergreen, the 'London Pride' types, whilst other like S. 'Rubrifolia' are deciduous. Our sun-loving saxifragas, tend to form tight or spreading mounds, made of of quite intricate rosettes of leaves. Flowers typically white to pink, sometimes singly, others in large sprays. A very attractive genus of plants.
The starry flowers of saxifrages attract visiting insects, especially flies, an attraction that is enhanced by the coloured spots on the petals of many species. Alpine forms have large flowers for the size of the plant, an adaptation to attract the few pollinators in what are often cold, windy habitats. All evergreen species provide shelter and refuge for natural predators.