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Scilla forbesii (10xDB)
Scilla forbesii (10xDB)

Scilla forbesii (10xDB)

Forbes' squill

dry bulbs
To Be Propagated
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An eye-catching early flowering bulb with one sided racemes of star-like blue flowers and white centres. Ideal for Rock gardens or raised beds. Synonym Chionodoxa forbesii.

Dry bulbs.

AspectSun or part shade
Flower ColourBlue
Flowering PeriodFeb | Mar
FoliageNot evergreen
Growth HabitClump-forming
HardinessFully hardy
SoilMost types
Ask Us a Question

I have recently purchased bulbs of Scilla Pink Giant, Scilla Forbessi, Cordalis Solida Susp "Beth Evans and Iphelon "Jessie" Please can all 4 of these types of bulb be planted now or do any need to wait until spring ? I should have checked when I ordered them but the lady who does my garden asked me to check

Linda Hillier
Answer from JH

As these are all spring flowering bulbs - they need to be planted this autumn

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