Biennial or short-lived perennial with finely divided, dark green leaves and erect stems bearing umbels of tiny, white flowers in summer. Previously we have sold this as Seseli libanotis. This is very different to another plant we have in our reservoir garden, which we also have named as Oenanthe pimpinelloides (previously Seseli libanotis). This is taller, but the foliage is much finer and umbels of flowers smaller.
Oenanthe pimpinelloides (W&B-BG-B-10)
Water parsley
Aspect | Full sun |
Flower Colour | White | Cream |
Flowering Period | May | Jun | Jul |
Foliage | Not evergreen |
Goes Well With | Grasses, Nepeta, Santolina |
Growth Habit | Clump-forming |
Hardiness | Fully hardy |
Height | 1m |
Soil | Light, well-drained |
Spread | 40cm |
Ask Us a Question

Can I just check that this is actually Oenanthe pimpinelloides common name Corky-fruited Water-dropwort as the web address still includes seseli-libanotis which is Moon Carrot. Is (W&B-BG-B-10) a cultivar code and hence does it differ from the native plant which grows locally and can have a very abundant habit? Regards, Richard.
We previously sold this plant as Seseli libanotis W&B-BG-B-10, until a name change, in October 2019, so now it is called Oenanthe pimpinelloides (W&B-BG-B-10. W&B-BG-B-10 is a cultivar code. This particular cultivar being taller (Ht 1m spd 40cm) with finer foliage and smaller flowers than the native Oenanthe pimpinelloides (Ht 60cm Spd 30cm). They both will self-seed. Reference to Seseli libanotis is an historical internet listing, which we very often are unable to amend. However these can also be useful when name changes etc are not always apparent.