A small group of biennial umbels from Europe, into south west Asia, with divided lower leaves and acid-green flowerheads in the critical early spring period, before the time when our native plants (aside from Gorse) are in a position to assume the responsibility for feeding the early emerging hordes of insects, from solitary bees to dung-flies, to ladybirds and St Mark's Flies. S. olusatrum, now widely naturalized in England and Ireland especially, plays a key role in maintaining insect biodiversity, although it has the rather antisocial habit of squeezing out native plants such as Cow Parsley.
Mindful of the risk of initiating risky interventions in our native wildlife, however, the authorities have recently added S. perfoliatum to the list of plants it is illegal to cause to grow in the wild: this species has been increasingly observed in the wild, especially around London and Norwich, in recent years and the risks are clear.
We will no longer being selling S. perfoliatum and will take measures to control them in our garden.