We take great care to produce your peat free plants. Propagation and growing on is carried out by our team who will only part with plants once they are strong and well rooted.
Stachys byzantina 'Big Ears'
Stachys byzantina 'Big Ears'
Stachys byzantina 'Big Ears'
Stachys byzantina 'Big Ears'
Stachys byzantina 'Big Ears'
Stachys byzantina 'Big Ears'
Stachys byzantina 'Big Ears'
Stachys byzantina 'Big Ears'

Stachys byzantina 'Big Ears'

Lamb's ears

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Has broader, bolder leaves than the type, not so heavily felted, so has a less ‘frosty’ appearance. Taller flower spikes of squared stems from which protrude the pink flowers. A good hard wearing carpeting plant in poor sunny conditions. 

AspectFull sun
Flower ColourPink
Flowering PeriodJun | Jul | Aug | Sep
Goes Well WithAllium, grasses, Lavandula
Growth HabitMat-forming
HardinessFully hardy
SoilLight, well-drained
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