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Symphyotrichum 'Primrose Path'
Symphyotrichum 'Primrose Path'
Symphyotrichum 'Primrose Path'
Symphyotrichum 'Primrose Path'
Symphyotrichum 'Primrose Path'
Symphyotrichum 'Primrose Path'

Symphyotrichum 'Primrose Path'

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Mounds of heart shaped leaves. Clouds of small, starry sky-blue flowers with a purple centre in autumn. Easy in any reasonable soil in sun or part shade, but ideal for dry shade. Synonym Aster 'Primrose Path'. Although most sources typically quote the height around 80cm, in a full sun position, with reasonable soil and moisture, it has grown to around 1.5m.

AspectSun or part shade
Flower ColourBlue
Flowering PeriodAug | Sep | Oct
FoliageNot evergreen
Goes Well WithBistorta, Grasses, Sanguisorba
Growth HabitClump-forming
HardinessFully hardy
SoilMost types
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