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Trachystemon orientalis
Trachystemon orientalis
Trachystemon orientalis
Trachystemon orientalis
Trachystemon orientalis
Trachystemon orientalis

Trachystemon orientalis

Early-flowering borage

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Superb ground-cover in dense shade. Makes an important feature with large healthy-looking coarse green leaves forming overlapping mounds. Curious blue borage-like flowers on pink naked stems, in early spring, before the leaves take over. Spreads by underground rhizomes and can overrun less robust plants and bulbs. Will provide rapid cover in dry shade although the leaves will collapse during very dry spells.

Flower ColourBlue | Purple
Flowering PeriodMar | Apr
FoliageNot evergreen
Goes Well WithHosta, ferns, Lamium
Growth HabitSpreading
HardinessFully hardy
SoilMost types
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