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Veronica perfoliata
Veronica perfoliata
Veronica perfoliata
Veronica perfoliata
Veronica perfoliata
Veronica perfoliata
Veronica perfoliata
Veronica perfoliata

Veronica perfoliata

Digger's speedwell, parahebe

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From a drought tolerant rootstock spring stout branching stems piercing through round grey-green waxy leaves reminiscent of the juvenile leaves of eucalyptus. In midsummer, every shoot carries for weeks long, slender, drooping spires of soft blue-purple, four-petalled flowers. We cut it well back after flowering, when new growth produces a second flowering in autumn. Synonym Parahebe perfoliata.

AspectFull sun
Flower ColourBlue | Purple
Flowering PeriodJul | Aug
FoliageNot evergreen
Goes Well WithGrasses, Eryngium, Verbena
Growth HabitShrubby
HardinessFully hardy
SoilLight, well-drained
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