We take great care to produce your peat free plants. Propagation and growing on is carried out by our team who will only part with plants once they are strong and well rooted.


The wild hyacinths, or quamash, growing at Beth's are forms derived from species in North America, found growing in grassland and prairies. In late spring they produce tall spires of large, star-like flowers, cream or blue-purple. Quite a sight en-masse and can do well grow in a meadow-like planting, or planted in a average soil in a sunny position.

Whether in a flowerbed or a prairie-style planting, the massed spike of starry flowers are extremely attractive to bees, hoverflies and other pollinators and beneficial insects.

Ready now
Camassia leichtlinii 'Sacajawea'
Californian white quamash
Ready now
Ready now
Ready now
Camassia leichtlinii subsp. leichtlinii
Californian white quamash
Ready now
Camassia cusickii (DB)
Cusick's camass
To Be Propagated
Camassia leichtlinii 'Sacajawea' (DB)
Californian white quamash
To Be Propagated
To Be Propagated
To Be Propagated