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Petasites japonicus var. giganteus 'Nishiki-buki'
Petasites japonicus var. giganteus 'Nishiki-buki'
Petasites japonicus var. giganteus 'Nishiki-buki'

Petasites japonicus var. giganteus 'Nishiki-buki'

Japanese butterbur, giant butterbur

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While flower-arrangers love the posy-like heads of green and white flowers which burst through bare clay in early spring, A vigorous perennial to cover the ground if there's a large area to fill, its huge rounded leaves splashed with cream and yellow. Can become invasive.

Also known as Petasites japonicus var. giganteus 'Variegatus'.

AspectSun or part shade
Flower ColourPink
Flowering PeriodMar | Apr
FoliageNot evergreen
Goes Well WithAngelica, Astilbe, Iris
Growth HabitSpreading
HardinessFully hardy
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