Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Garden Team

This time of year there simply isn’t enough hours in the day to keep on top of everything that needs doing. I’m sure all gardeners can relate to feeling slightly overwhelmed as the new season kicks in. The team finished weeding and cutting back perennials in the large central area of the Reservoir Garden. Noticing that a large clump of Fritillaria persica was sitting on top of the surface, the giant bulbs were carefully lifted and set deeper without damaging the fresh foliage – perhaps not the ideal time to do this, but without intervention the tall stems would most likely topple over once the flowers opened.  


Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Next,  the two long borders along the nursery fence in the Reservoir Garden were tackled. A couple of buddlejas got pruned back to a strong framework (we don’t cut them to the ground, preferring to shape the shrubs this way), while the roses were pruned according to type. Removing the old seedheads of origanum and silene, growing along the front edge, instantly gave the borders a fresher, more spring like appearance.


Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Olivia, our intern this month, helped put together this week’s plant ident in our visitor information centre. In addition to Olivia, the team have also been joined by Katie and Niamh, who’s also had the opportunity to spend some time with the propagation team.


Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

In preparation for next week’s planting, Ben from the estate team, spent a day breaking up the concrete pad where the old entrance kiosk used to sit (under the big oak tree) and filling the large hole with fresh soil. Further along in the border, the garden team removed a mass of old roots and suckering roses.


Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation



Propagation Team

Our hardy stockbed team have been busy weeding, but found time to lift and split Iris Blue/Grey (ex Alan Rodger). Although nameless, this is a charming iris, with slender grass-like leaves and petite grey-blue flowers.


Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Gloved up, Kathy, Mel and Annie have been up to their elbows in compost, potting up a wonderful patchwork of plugs, which we cannot wait to share with you all, when we are assured their roots are robust and have found their footing. I am particularly excited for Persicaria 'Purple Fantasy', whose leaf markings conjure a fantasy of a primordial landscape.


Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation


Miya spent some time with Emily and Debs, where she propagated Linaria purpurea 'Canon Went', a pollinator friendly, clump forming plant, which can add spires of pale pink into your garden. Whilst, Pete has been stalwart in the packhouse, making sure your orders arrive safely to their new homes.



Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Rob, (who is often referred to as the 'Indiana Jones of Horticulture') has had his hands full releasing new plants for sale and onto the nursery, such as the Pulmonaria 'Majeste'. This low growing plant holds much variety in its leaves, some entirely silver, others mottled or sporting green edges. The differentiating coloured flowers, a spectacle of violet, pink, blue and purple can add some whimsical tones to areas of your garden which are partly shaded.


Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation

Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation



Weekly catch up with gardens & propagation


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