Top 10 plants for Autumn Interest

Top 10 plants for Autumn Interest

Top 10 plants for autumn interest


It’s that time of year when suddenly we notice the evenings getting darker and the mornings feeling much cooler. Autumn has arrived and although summer is coming to an end, there are still plenty of plants in your garden that can give colour and interest right through autumn and up to the beginning of winter.



Top 10 plants for autumn interest

AnemoneThere are many different species of anemones but the ones that offer beautiful colour through autumn are the ‘so-called’ Japanese types. With most standing at nearly a metre high, their flowers, which can vary from purest white through to deepest pink, provide elegance in the border from early September into October. You can find single or semi-double varieties and when it comes to growing them, they seem to do best in a good garden soil with a shaded or part-shaded position. Once they’ve made themselves at home they will readily spread.


Top 10 plants for autumn interest


AsterProbably the most quintessential herbaceous perennial for autumn colour. So many different shapes, sizes, colours and now names too. Recently the genus aster has been reviewed and separated into several new genus groups. The varieties we grow can now be found on our nursery under the names of aster, doellingeria, eurybia and symphyotrichum. Beth has always stated that A. x frikartii ‘Monch’ is the finest of all the asters and a good tip to keep them compact and flower abundant is to give them the Chelsea chop in May.


Top 10 plants for autumn interest



ColchicumThe common name for this plant is the autumn crocus. Large, goblet-shaped flowers emerge in late August and will keep on going often into October. Perhaps the most beautiful attribute of this bulb is that the flowers are not obscured in any way by foliage. The large leaves do not show themselves until late spring, long after flowering has finished, allowing the flowers to steal the show through autumn. Easy to grow in sun or shade and in rich soil or poor. Here, we have them pushing up through lawn in our car park. Truly versatile and truly stunning.


Top 10 plants for autumn interest



Cyclamen- There is something about the pink and white cyclamen flowers carpeting a woodland floor that makes me smile. C. hederifolium is a hardy autumn flowering species that survives in the UK climate. The large corms will sit almost on the surface of the soil, lying dormant through summer until September when delicate flowerheads emerge from the centre of each one. Attractive, patterned, ivy-like foliage follows to give interest through much of winter. They do well in dry shade so planting them under established trees and shrubs helps brighten darker spots.



Top 10 plants for autumn interest


HelianthusIn particular, H. ‘Lemon Queen’. This perennial requires a retentive soil and what amazing colour it can give through late summer and into early autumn. Lemony-yellow flowers with slightly darker centres smother the bright green foliage and provide a rich source of nectar for bees late in the season. This plant does best in a sunny position at the back of a border as it can reach up to two metres in height.


Top 10 plants for autumn interest



HesperanthaFormally known as schizostylis this is perhaps one of the most under-valued and under-used garden plants. As long as it is given the right conditions, that being a retentive soil with lots of sun, I have found it to be flowering right up to Christmas Day. Prolific in late autumn with bright, bold pinks and reds. It just keeps flowering until regular frosts, but its sword-like foliage is evergreen and will spread to form dense clumps.


Top 10 plants for autumn interest




Hylotelephium - Most people will still know this group of plants as sedums. Hylotelephium is now the name for the taller border forms, whilst the low, ground-cover types remain as Sedum. These perennials have large, succulent-like foliage that can vary in colour from pale, bright greens to deep purple. The blooms that top this interesting foliage are made up of hundreds of individual little flowers that are great for pollinators and the stiff stems will die back, turn brown and provide structural interest throughout winter.


Top 10 plants for autumn interest


LiriopeGreat in a shaded position, lilyturf, with its strappy dark green foliage will go largely unnoticed throughout most of the year, but in autumn they are a star performer. L. muscari has short spikes of bright purple flowers that resemble small berries, densely packed on an upright stem. Standing not much above 30cm, this evergreen perennial is well worth its place in anybody’s garden.


Top 10 plants for autumn interest



MiscanthusAutumn is a wonderful time of year for grasses and in particular Miscanthus sinensis cultivars. They form large, dense clumps and showcase bright, feathery, narrow plumes that look superb in low autumn light. Standing tall (up to two metres) and upright through the whole of winter is an added bonus. Making sure you can provide a good garden soil and enough space is the key to getting the best from these tough ornamental plants.


Top 10 plants for autumn interest



PennisetumKnown as the fountain grass, there are many different species of pennisetum, but all have the same distinctive bottle-brush flower. These clump-forming grasses do best in full sun but require varying soil types. Lovely throughout autumn, especially amongst herbaceous perennials flowering at the same time.


Top 10 plants for autumn interest


Top 10 plants for autumn interest


Beautiful 😍 thank you
Leah Reid   07/01/2023
Concise and informative. The first website that I have made a comment about.
Linda   27/02/2018
Informative and very well written
John Robinson   13/10/2017
Informative and very well written
John Robinson   13/10/2017
This was definitely an interesting read. Might I suggest you add Mahonia to the list? It's not too picky about kinds of soils and weather conditions when it grows. That makes it a great flower to have regardless of season. I find winter depressing because most of the plants have died off, but I can always trust my Mahonias and Christmas roses to be there for me.
Other plants I'm willing to try from this list of winter flowers include: Daphne, Camellia and winter Jasmine.
Pol Bishop   05/10/2017
You can grow morning glories thru lemon queen. I have a fuschia and white striped morning glory with strange ivy shaped leaves growing A lot of the wild morning glories,do,fine,but need pruning. The weight of the plant can overwhelm. The variation in color wildmorming glories is,enormous.

I,have another perennial sunflower, a not as good yellow. And I,think I have some hybrids, that bloom three weeks early.
Cindy donahey   26/09/2017
I have lemon queen in the garden, where it is incredibly invasive. Gold finches seem to prefer it over annual sunflowers. I cut some of it back, some of it severely, to get late bloom. I called it Louis XIV sunflower. There was supposed to be a perennial sunflower at Versailles that spread everywhere and could not be cut back because it represented the power of the Sun King. It goes with New England aster. I seed it by the railroad tracks.
Cindy donahey   26/09/2017
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