We take great care to propagate plants following Beth's methods. These include growing from seed, cuttings, and division. Beth had very strict ways of doing things and our propagation team follow her instructions to the letter.
Viola septentrionalis
Viola septentrionalis

Viola septentrionalis

Northern blue violet

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This is the white form, making fat rhizomes just beneath the soil surface, slowly enlarging its low mounds. In spring before the leaves grow large, there are quantities of big pure white violets, scentless, but none the less desirable. Given part shade and not too much competition it will also seed around. Now considered synonymous with V. sororia.

AspectSun or part shade
Flower ColourWhite
Flowering PeriodApr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug
FoliageNot evergreen
Goes Well WithFerns, Galium, grasses
Growth HabitSpreading
HardinessFully hardy
SoilMost types
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