Beth collected this fern and P. 'Herrenhausen' from a German nursery. This form produces tall, upright, elegant fronds, making it a perfect companion for hostas in shady places. Individual fronds may exceed 1m
Beth collected this fern and P. 'Herrenhausen' from a German nursery. This form produces tall, upright, elegant fronds, making it a perfect companion for hostas in shady places. Individual fronds may exceed 1m
Aspect | Shade |
Foliage | Not evergreen |
Goes Well With | Digitalis, Hosta, Pulmonaria |
Growth Habit | Clump-forming |
Hardiness | Fully hardy |
Height | 90cm |
Soil | Most types |
Spread | 90cm |
What is the hardiness rating of Polystichum setifernum Dahlem please? Also noted that it is not evergreen....when does it lose its fronds and when do they come back please? Many thanks. Best regards, Jacqui
This polystichum is fully hardy. They start to lose their fronds in winter and although not necessary we cut them back here to allow the new fronds to shoot in the spring