We take great care to propagate plants following Beth's methods. These include growing from seed, cuttings, and division. Beth had very strict ways of doing things and our propagation team follow her instructions to the letter.
Astilbe 'Beauty of Ernst' (x arendsii)
Astilbe 'Beauty of Ernst' (x arendsii)
Astilbe 'Beauty of Ernst' (x arendsii)
Astilbe 'Beauty of Ernst' (x arendsii)

Astilbe 'Beauty of Ernst' (x arendsii)

To Be Propagated
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This astilbe has bright lime-green, fern-like foliage that matures into a rich burgundy shade. With fluffy plumes of soft pink flowers which appear in mid-summer. During the autumn, the foliage develops slight tints of scarlet and orange, adding further to the colour palette of this attractive perennial. Preferring a moist soil in sun or will tolerate a drier soil in partial shade.

AspectSun or part shade
Flower ColourPink
Flowering PeriodJun | Jul | Aug
FoliageNot evergreen
Goes Well WithLythrum, Persicaria, Rodgersia
Growth HabitClump-forming
HardinessFully hardy
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