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Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'
Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'
Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'
Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'
Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'
Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'

Euonymus alatus 'Compactus'

Winged spindle

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A super compact form, robust, well branched and reliably forming distinct corky winged branchlets. Amazing autumn foliage colours of crimson-pink are displayed alongside reddish-purple fruits with orange seeds. Small green flowers are produced in the spring.

AspectSun or part shade
Flower ColourGreen
Flowering PeriodMay | Jun
FoliageNot evergreen
Growth HabitShrubby
HardinessFully hardy
SoilMost types
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