We take great care to produce your peat free plants. Propagation and growing on is carried out by our team who will only part with plants once they are strong and well rooted.


An incredible range of flower colours and patterns arise from the 300+ species and the 1000's of cultivated forms. Adaptable to a range of conditions, from the sun-worshipping bearded irises, including those bred by Cedric Morris at Benton End, damp-loving sibericas, and early flowering Reticulata irises. 

Please see other sections on the website for further details, 

Iris forms are legion, and almost all attract pollinators, especially the larger bees. The only possible exceptions are those highly bred, flouncy cultivars whose petal modifications may make nectar in particular more inaccessible. Some, like the winter/early spring-flowering forms such as the reticulata and unguicularis types and the species that produce bright berries (especially I. foetidissima) provide an important food resource for winter birds, from pheasants to blackbirds.

Iris 'Mer Du Sud'
Bearded iris
Ready now
Iris 'Sable'
Bearded iris
Ready now
Ready now
Ready now
Iris pallida 'Variegata'
Dalmation iris, bearded iris
Ready now
Iris 'Benton Deidre'
Bearded iris
Growing on
Iris 'Benton Judith'
Bearded iris
Growing on
Iris 'Benton Lorna'
Bearded iris
Growing on
Iris 'Benton Nigel'
Bearded iris
Growing on
Iris 'Benton Olive'
Bearded iris
Growing on
Iris 'Benton Susan'
Bearded iris
Growing on
Growing on
Iris 'Silver Edge' (Sib)
Siberian iris
Growing on
Growing on
Iris unguicularis
Algerian iris
Growing on
Iris 'White Swirl' (Sib)
Siberian iris
Growing on
Iris 'Alba' (Sib)
Siberian iris
Growing on
Growing on
Iris pallida subsp. pallida
Orris root, bearded iris
Growing on
Iris pallida 'Argentea Variegata'
Dalmation iris, bearded iris
Growing on
Iris 'Jane Phillips'
Bearded iris
Growing on
Iris 'Benton Arundel'
Bearded iris
Growing on
Iris 'Benton Apollo'
Bearded iris
To Be Propagated
Iris 'Benton Argent'
Bearded iris
To Be Propagated
To Be Propagated
Iris 'Benton Caramel'
Bearded iris
To Be Propagated
Iris 'Benton Cordelia'
Bearded iris
To Be Propagated
Iris 'Benton Daphne'
Bearded iris
To Be Propagated