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Mukdenia rossii 'Karasuba'
Mukdenia rossii 'Karasuba'
Mukdenia rossii 'Karasuba'
Mukdenia rossii 'Karasuba'
Mukdenia rossii 'Karasuba'
Mukdenia rossii 'Karasuba'
Mukdenia rossii 'Karasuba'
Mukdenia rossii 'Karasuba'

Mukdenia rossii 'Karasuba'

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A beautiful perennial for dappled shade and preferring a moisture-retentive soil, but will cope with drier conditions. Before the glossy, bronzey leaves unfurl, tight clusters of pink buds emerge from the soils, rather like a mini darmera. By mid spring the starry, creamy-white flower are open, held above the now greening leaves. In autumn foliage will often turn a fiery red. In its native Korea, it often grows alongside streams, making good swathes of groundcover.

AspectSun or part shade
Flower ColourWhite
Flowering PeriodMar | Apr | May
FoliageNot evergreen
Growth HabitClump-forming
HardinessFully hardy
SoilRich and fertile
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