We take great care to produce your peat free plants. Propagation and growing on is carried out by our team who will only part with plants once they are strong and well rooted.


The border penstemons provide a range of vivid colours, multiple spikes of flowers, normally held well above the simple, narrow-leaved foliage. Species tend to flower May, June, but with hybrids (many with a P. campanulatus parent) extend flowering through summer. There are over well over 250 species from North America and Mexico, many of which do require full sun and a well drained soil to extend their longevity. Leave the foliage of these untouched over winter and then cut down in spring, once new growth has formed. There are some species, eg. P. pinifolius which are hardier and suitable for the rock garden.

In Europe Penstemon flowers are mostly visited by bumblebees, along with some wasps, moths, butterflies and other pollinators; however in their native North America, hummingbirds are attracted to, and probably the main pollinators of, especially the red-flowered species.

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Penstemon strictus
Rocky Mountain penstemon
Growing on
To Be Propagated