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Pseudodictamnus acetabulosus
Pseudodictamnus acetabulosus
Pseudodictamnus acetabulosus
Pseudodictamnus acetabulosus
Pseudodictamnus acetabulosus
Pseudodictamnus acetabulosus
Pseudodictamnus acetabulosus
Pseudodictamnus acetabulosus
Pseudodictamnus acetabulosus
Pseudodictamnus acetabulosus

Pseudodictamnus acetabulosus

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Similar to P. mediterraneus (Ballota pseudodictamnus), but slightly daintier, and the foliage appears whiter in drier conditions. Each leaf has a faintly scalloped edge, and the green bobbles along the curved flowering stems are larger. Flowers are numerous, but small, pink streaks over white. The green bobbles (calyces) when under drought conditions, will turn a tan brown, giving the plant a stressed look, but with its native home of Greece and Turkey, it comfortably copes with such conditions.

Synonym Ballota acetabulosa.

AspectFull sun
Flower ColourPink | Purple
Flowering PeriodJul | Aug
Goes Well WithAgapanthus, Stachys, Verbena
Growth HabitShrubby
HardinessFully hardy
SoilLight, well-drained
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