We take great care to produce your peat free plants. Propagation and growing on is carried out by our team who will only part with plants once they are strong and well rooted.
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A monotypic genus, from Turkey and the Caucasian region. A late winter to early spring flowering perennial, in the borage family, with typical blue-purple flowers, but unusually with reflexed petals. Leaves, large and rough textured.

An important plant at the start of spring for feeding queen bumblebees just emerging from hibernation, Trachystemon also creates lush carpets in shady areas that afford shelter and refuge to amphibians and invertebrates, many of which are beneficial garden predators. But its vegetative dominance can mean that it causes a problem in damp, shady woodland streamsides; all steps should be taken to avoid its spread outside gardens.

Trachystemon orientalis
Early-flowering borage
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