We take great care to produce your peat free plants. Propagation and growing on is carried out by our team who will only part with plants once they are strong and well rooted.


Long flowering perennials of the allium family. Although all come from the much warmer climates of central and southern Africa they are quite at home in a sunny free draining soil. That said T. 'Silver Lace'  is not hardy and must come inside for the winter. A much under-used genus and will soon repay a choice spot with a long flowering season. Clumps need dividing every few years, which is best done as growth commences in the spring.

While Tulbaghia species will attract both bees and butterflies during daylight hours, the primary time when they produce floral fragrance is at night, suggesting they are seeking to attract moth pollinators. Night-scented flowers are always useful additions to any wildlife garden.

Tulbaghia 'Purple Eye'
Society garlic
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Tulbaghia violacea 'Alba'
Society garlic
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Tulbaghia violacea
Society garlic
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To Be Propagated