Ornamental vines and woody climbers from across the Northern Hemisphere. Often attractive lobed leaves which colour up well in autumn. Flowers rather small, but followed by pendant clusters of fruits (grapes) especially after hot, dry summers. Vines have been cultivated for over 5000 years, with potentially over 10000 different grape varieties being used in that time. Many are associated with V. vinifera, the European and West Asian vine and V. labrusca from Eastern North America.
Vitis species are generally wind-pollinated and so have little to attract insects to their flowers. If pollinated however, and in a suitably warm spot, they will produce grapes that are as edible to wildlife as they are to us. Birds and small mammals eat them as they get ripe, while once they start to go over insects such as social wasps will feed upon them voraciously. Although not evergreen, the leaves can provide shelter and shade for garden invertebrates and birds in very hot summer conditions.