We take great care to propagate plants following Beth's methods. These include growing from seed, cuttings, and division. Beth had very strict ways of doing things and our propagation team follow her instructions to the letter.
Calamagrostis effusiflora
Calamagrostis effusiflora

Calamagrostis effusiflora

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Collected by Cassian Schmidt in Lushan, China A higher, airy edition of C. brachytricha. The flower panicles have a lilac hue. The ribbon-shaped leaf (1cm wide) makes an attractive mound.

AspectFull sun
Flower ColourPink | Green
Flowering PeriodAug | Sep | Oct
FoliageNot evergreen
Goes Well WithEuphorbia, Lychnis, Verbena
Growth HabitClump-forming
HardinessFully hardy
SoilLight, well-drained
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