Production Assistant Rob shares his stories of spring!

How to grow dwarf anemones
Dwarf forms of anemone vary between 10-30cm in height, much smaller than the border forms of Japanese anemones and similar which will reach between 50cm and 1.4m high. They do however provide a much broader range of colours, offering pretty much all colours of the rainbow.
The wood anemones, A. nemorosa, unsurprisingly prefer a dappled shade position, carpeting the bare ground beneath deciduous shrubs in spring, filling their reserves before retreating back below ground for summer. Plants will reappear the following year, hopefully in even larger colonies.
Windflowers, such as A. blanda, are more flexible with their needs. Some like part shade and others, like the peacock windflower, A. pavonina, are sun lovers and prefer to be out in the open, relishing in our sunny, free draining Gravel Garden.
Greek anemos meaning 'wind', mone meaning 'habit', hence the common name windflower.
Wildlife credentials with Dr Chris Gibson
The flowers produce nectar and pollen which attracts a wide range of insects, from bumblebees and honeybees, to ladybirds and other beetles. The best forms for wildlife are those with the natural number of five petal-like sepals: additional sepals are generally mutated stamens or nectaries, such that the value to insects is reduced.
Must have species
Anemone multifida 'Major'- Neat clumps of dark green cut leaves are a setting for cool lemon-yellow flowers in spring, followed by large, woolly seedheads.
Height and spread: 25cm x 10cm
Conditions: Sun/part shade, light, well-drained soil
Anemone nemorosa 'Allenii'-A lovely blue form of our wild wood anemone. Nodding buds, stained purplish-rose, open to the sun in spring, breathtaking flowers filled with yellow stamens. Best in peaty or leaf-mould soil.
Height and spread: 20cm x 40cm
Conditions:Sun/part shade, rich and fertile soil
Anemone pavonina- Jewel-like flowers in many shades including deep rose, crimson red, cherry and salmon pink, often with navy-blue eyes, while others, creamy-white are stained coral on reverse. Given to Beth by Cedric Morris.
Height and spread: 20cm x 10cm
Conditions: Full sun, well-drained soil
Anemone nemorosa 'Robinsoniana'- Low growing wood anemone with mid-green deeply cut leaves. Solitary light lavender-blue flowers with silvery backs to the petals.
Height and spread: 20cm x 30cm
Conditions: Sun/part shade, most soil types
Anemone x lesseri- A low growing anemone which never fails to draw attention with upturned light wine-coloured flowers in midsummer. Synonym A. multifida 'Rubra'.
Height and spread: 20cm x 20cm
Conditions: Sun/part shade, rich and fertile soil
Anemone x lipsiensis- Subtle lemon-coloured flowers above fern-like foliage with dark hues as it emerges. A hybrid between our native A. nemorosa (wood anemone) and the European A. ranunculoides. (yellow anemone).
Height and spread: 15cm x 40cm
Conditions: Sun/part shade, most soil types