Opening TimesThe Gardens, Chatto's Tearoom, Nursery and Gardener's Shop are open:
February 4th 2025 - March 29th 2025
Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 4pmApril 1st 2025- November 2nd 2025
Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 5pmEaster - we will be open Easter Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Monday (closed Easter Sunday)
We will be open the Sundays and Mondays of the May Bank Holidays
November 4th 2025 - December 20th 2025
Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 4pm -
Friends of the Garden
Friends do not need to pre-book and are welcome to visit the gardens any time during opening hours.
Double Card members do not need to prebook tickets for their accompanying guest.
Becoming a Friend of the Garden: complete a registration online or fill in a card at the Gardens, and give to a member of our welcome team in the Visitor Information Centre. Once registration is complete, you will be able to access the Gardens as a new member.
NHS Worker / Bluelight Cardholder / Defence Discount Service (DDC) cardholder/Carers
NHS Workers, Bluelight Cardholders and DDC holders can enjoy 20% off our entry prices.
Please present your ID card upon arrival to a member of our welcome team in the Visitor Information Centre.Accompanying Carers
Carers may enter for £1.00. There is no need to pre-book. Please present your ID card upon arrival to a member of our welcome team in the Visitor Information Centre.
Gardeners World 2 for 1 and RHS
Gardeners World 2 for 1
Offer is NOT valid between May 3rd to September 6th, 2025.
Please pre-book one ticket and present your Gardener's World 2 for 1 card upon arrival, for one free entry.
Singles welcome at reduced rate of £9.95RHS
Free entry to RHS Members during the following dates:
February 4th to March 31st 2025. * No need to pre-book. Present your RHS membership card upon arrival.At all other times RHS members can enjoy 20% discount on entry fees.
*Please note
Joint Membership only admits 1 free entry.
Joint Life Membership - free entry applies to both Members. -
Are dogs welcome in the gardens?Only assistance dogs are welcome in the gardens.We recommend leaving dogs at home as our car park is very open with no shaded areas.
Mobility & Blue Badge parkingWe do not have any mobility equipment available onsite; please bring anything needed with you.
We have a number of blue badge parking spaces available. Please make sure you display your blue badge in your vehicle and report to our welcome team in the Visitor Information Centre if you experience any difficulty parking your vehicle.
PaymentCard/contactless payments only on-site.
We are no longer accepting cash payments.
For all other enquiries, please email: customer@bethchatto.co.uk
The Beth Chatto Gardens Ltd does not permit photography or filming at its properties for commercial use or for reproduction in any form without consent from the Beth Chatto Gardens Ltd. Images taken at the Gardens may not be submitted to photo libraries, agencies or on-line providers or provided directly to image buyers.
All requests for permission to undertake commercial photography of any kind at the Gardens should in the first instance be referred to marketing@bethchatto.co.uk
All visitors to Beth Chatto's Plants & Gardens are allowed to take photographs for their own private use. Any requests from individuals wishing to sell or publish photographs should be directed to marketing@bethchatto.co.uk
Artists & Paintings
We welcome all artists to the Gardens. If however, you will be selling your art, the policy is the same as that of Photography. The Beth Chatto Gardens Ltd does not permit painting at its properties for commercial use or for reproduction in any form without consent from the Beth Chatto Gardens Ltd. Paintings of Beth Chatto's Plants and Gardens may not be submitted to photo libraries, agencies or on-line providers or provided directly to buyers.
Foster Carers, those on Universal Credit, Pension Credit or Employment and Support Allowance
Foster Carers, those on Universal Credit, Pension Credit or Employment and Support Allowance £1.00. Please show proof upon arrival to a member of our welcome team in the Visitor Information Centre.
Chatto's TearoomWe respectfully ask that visitors do not consume their own food in Beth's garden.
Picnics are permitted in the designated picnic area in the field adjacent to the car park.
Food and drink can be purchased and consumed in our tearoom.
Please note last orders are 3.30pm (when closing at 4pm) and 4.30pm (when closing at 5pm)
On-Site FAQ
Opening Hours
February 4th to March 29th, 2025
Tuesday - Saturday (10am - 4pm) April 1st to October 25th, 2025
Tuesday - Saturday (10am - 5pm) October 28th to Dec 20th, 2025
Tuesday - Saturday (10am - 4pm)