We take great care to produce your peat free plants. Propagation and growing on is carried out by our team who will only part with plants once they are strong and well rooted.
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Santolina chamaecyparissus
Cotton lavender
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Sarcococca confusa
Christmas box, sweet box
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x Halimiocistus sahucii
Sahuc rock rose
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Aloysia citrodora
Lemon verbena
Growing on
Growing on
Growing on
Growing on
Cistus x hybridus
Rock rose, sun rose
Growing on
Cistus x hybridus 'Gold Prize'
Rock rose, sun rose
Growing on
Cistus x pulverulentus
Rock rose, sun rose
Growing on
Cistus x pulverulentus 'Sunset'
Rock rose, sun rose
Growing on
Cistus x skanbergii
Dwarf pink rock-rose
Growing on
Growing on
Convolvulus cneorum
Shrubby bindweed
Growing on
Cytisus multiflorus
Spanish white broom
Growing on
Growing on
Growing on
Growing on
Euryops pectinatus
Grey-leaved euryops
Growing on
Growing on
Growing on